This is Oreo, my bf4life!
His tuxedo patterned fur is so iconic that cookies were named after him! WOW!
Oreo was born in April 2008. When we adopted him in July, he was so yong he had no fur on his belly. And he was small enough to sleep in a potted plant.
Every one wanted to name him! My name was Oreo, My Mom named him Shnitzel, By brother called him Tweezle, and my Dad called him Hugs. His full name became Oreo Shnitzeltweezlehugz!
But he has many other names! In fact, on the family calender Oreo has a new name every month! Some names include: Cuddlebiscut, Stroopwaffle, FourFootedFloppleFreind, WumpledyFlumps, Wagglewhiskers, Mraaaa, and many more!!
Oreo is truly a beasty who cannot be defined by a single name!
Oreos' favorite pastime is napping! Here is photographic evidence: